Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

Mengembalikan File Yang Terhapus Dari Flashdisk/ Komputer

ali ini saya mau review sebuah software yang saya yakin akan sangat bermanfaat buat Anda yang suka bergelut di dunia komputer. Dalam menggunakan komputer, sering kali kita melakukan kesalahan dengan menghapus file yang kita anggap tidak perlu. Yahh, akhirnya penyesalan pun tiba ketika kita membutuhkan file tersebut. Pusing bukan kepalang jika hal ini bener-bener terjadi, tapi tenang, Anda masih memiliki peluang untuk mengembalikan file yang terhapus tadi. Dengan bantuan aplikasi Pendora Recovery data Anda masih bisa terselamatkan, apalagi aplikasi ini gratis lagi. Sapa sih yang tidak mau..?? hehe5.. Meskipun termasuk golongan freeware, namun aplikasi buatan Pendora Corp ini terlihat lebih lengkap serupa dengan glary undelete, Pendora Recovery memiliki tampilan windows explorer. Fitur di dalamnya pun memiliki kemampuan mengembalikan file yang terkompresi, yang sudah terfragmentasi, file terekscripsi, termasuk file yang hidden (tersembunyi) di dalam system.

Pandora juga memiliki kemampuan untuk mengembalikan Alternate Data Stream (ADS) dengan system NTFS yang berisi daa actual dari sebuah file, misalnya inforasi ganre, nama album atau penyayi dalam file MP3 atau meta data dalam sebuah foto atau gambar.

Saat memindai harddisk untuk mendeteksi file yang hilang, Pendora mampu menampilkan preview file yang hilang unuk format tertentu, seperti file gambar dan foto dan video serta sejumlah file document teks juga  Keterangan, dan yang berhasil terdeteksi juga dilengkapi dengan estimasi keberhasilan recovery dalam hitungan persentase.
Jika ada keterangan overwriten 50%, tingkat kesuksesan dalam pengembalian data tersebut hanya 50% saja. Para pengguna akan mudah mengelola aplikasi ini terlebih dengan tersedianya wijaya (wizard) recovery data saat pertama kali program dijalankan.

Selamat mencoba dan semoga bermanfaat..

Konversi Dokumen Hasil Scan Menjadi File Word

ira-kira seminggu lalu, saya ditanya teman apa ada software yang bisa melakukan konversi dari dokumen hasil scan menjadi file Word? Proses ini disebut Rekognisi Karakter Optik atau pengenalan huruf optik (lebih populer dalam istilah bahasa Inggris, optical character recognition, yang biasa disingkat OCR). Saya bilang ada, tapi bukan free software. Sebagai alternative, saya menawarkan layanan OCR gratis secara online yang disediakan oleh i2OCR.

i2OCR adalah layanan online gratis yang dapat mengkonversi dokumen hasil scan atau gambar ke dalam dokumen word yang selanjutnya dapat diedit oleh pengguna. OCR online gratis ini tidak membutuhkan pendaftaran untuk menggunakannya, dan mendukung Multi-Kolom dokumen scan untuk pengenalan karakter yang tersedia dalam 33 bahasa termasuk diantaranya Inggris, Perancis, Spanyol, Jerman, Italia, Rusia, Portugis, dan Cina.

Layanan OCR online gratis ini mendukung format gambar seperti TIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, PPM, PBM, PGM. Anda dapat meng-upload gambar hingga maximal 10 MB. Untuk pengenalan karakter teks yang lebih baik, gambar yang Anda upload harus minimal 200 dpi. Anda dapat menyalin teks hasil konversi ke dalam notepad atau download sebagai file Word.

Sumber : i2OCR Online

Cara Membuat Slide Out Navigation

Oke.., berikut langkah-langkah cara membuat Slide Out Navigation :

[1]. Login Blogger

[2]. Klik Rancangan kemudian Edit HTML lalu cari kode ]]></b:skin>

[3]. Copas script berikut dan letakkan di atas kode ]]></b:skin> tadi :
Beautiful Slide Out Navigation
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[4]. Kemudian cari kode </head> dan letakkan script berikut ini di atas kode </head> :

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[5]. Terakhir, cari kode </body> dan letakkan script berikut ini di atas kode </body> :
<ul id='navixed'>
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            <li class='about'><a href='#'><span>About</span></a></li>
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            <li class='podcasts'><a href='#'><span>Podcasts</span></a></li>
            <li class='contact'><a href='#'><span>Contact</span></a></li>
Catatan :
# : Silahkan Anda ganti dengan masing-masing link menu navigasi di blog Anda

[6]. Selesai deh.. dan jangan lupa Simpan Template

Bagaimana, mudah kah cara membuat Slide Out Navigation..??? Yakin deh Anda semua pasti bisa membuat SLide Out Navigation seperti yang saya terapkan di blog saya.

Selamat mencoba yaa dan semoga bermanfaat.. 

Cara Membuat Auto Hide Navbar Pada Blogspot

pa itu navbar..?? Navbar adalah bagian yang terlihat pada bagian teratas blog kamu. Yang mana pada bagian tersebut terdapat tulisan Entri Baru, Rancangan, dan Keluar. Nah, ada beberapa temen blogger yang ingin menghilangkan navbar ini, hal ini tentu saja melanggar peraturan yang telah ditetapkan oleh Blogspot. Namun untuk mewujudkan keinginan Anda tanpa menghilangkan navbar secara permanen, Anda bisa kok menyembuyikan navbar tersebut dengan auto hide navbar. Penasaran..??? Berikut cara membuat auto hide navbar pada blogspot :

[1]. Login Blogspot
[2]. Klik Rancangan kemudian Edit HTML
[3]. Silahkan Anda cari kode body {, kemudian copas script berikut ini dan letakkan di atas kode body { tadi
#navbar-iframe:hover{opacity:1.0;filter:alpha(Opacity=100, FinishedOpacity=100)}
Sehingga formatnya menjadi seperti ini :
#navbar-iframe:hover{opacity:1.0;filter:alpha(Opacity=100, FinishedOpacity=100)}
body {
[4]. Jika sudah, silahkan klik Simpan Template dan lihat hasilnya di blog Anda

Silahkan Anda arahkan mouse pada bagian teratas blog Anda, maka akan muncul navbar yang telah disembunyikan. Apabila mouse Anda arahkan ke tempat lain, maka navbar akan kembali hilang atau tersembunyi kembali.

Saya kira cukup sekian saja pembahasan cara membuat Auto Hide Navbar pada Blogspot. Jika ada pertanyaan silahkan Anda tuliskan komentar Anda di kotak komentar di bawah ini.

Selamat mencoba dan semoga bermanfaat..

Mengedit Animasi Flash Dengan SWF Quicker

WF Quicker adalah Editor SWF Flash. Aplikasi ini untuk mengedit file SWF yang ada atau membuat animasi Flash profesional dari awal. Mendukung, mengimpor atau mengekspor film-film dari Flash CS3 (V9), Flash CS4 (V10), ActionScript 3.0 untuk pengguna tingkat lanjut, dan film ekspor ke Flash, Lite 2.0 2.1 dan 3.0.

Fitur Utama :
  1. Mengimpor dan mengedit file SWF Flash V6, v7, V8, V9 (CS3), V10 (CS4) dan Flash CS5.
  2. Mendukung pengeditan elemen Flash misalnya Teks, Shape, Movie Clip, URL, ActionScript, dll
  3. Sebuah ActionScript Editor cerdas yang mendukung Sorot Sintaks, Auto Completion dan Dynamic Prompt tertanam dalam Flash Editor.
  4. Mampu untuk merancang permainan interaktif dengan ActionScript 2.0/3.0 Kelas dan pemrograman Berorientasi Obyek.
  5. Lebih dari 60 + built-in efek animasi dan 7 Flash filter.
  6. Template Flash Album yang melimpah, Banner, Tombol Navigasi dan Slide Show.
  7. Menyediakan Flash Creation berfungsi seperti timeline, desain bentuk, Motion/Shape/Gambar Tween, dan sebagainya.
  8. Menyediakan Object Snapping, Pixel Snapping dan Snap Alignment untuk menyelaraskan objek.
  9. Penuh dengan set alat unguk menggambar vektor, seperti Persegi Panjang, Pen, Brush, Eraser, Paint Bucket, dll.
  10. Mendukung mengimpor berbagai jenis media, seperti AI, MP3, MPEG, AVI, MOV, AVI, MPEG, WMV / ASF, MOV / QT, RM / RMVB, DivX / XviD, dll.
  11. Format output kaya – SWF (termasuk 10.0), EXE, GIF, AVI dan Flash Lite (2.0, 2.1, 3.0).
Untuk mendapatkan Aplikasi SWF Quicker silahkan klik link berikut : SWF Quicker 5.2.509

Selamat mencoba dan semoga bermanfaat..

Cara Koneksi Laptop dengan LCD Proyektor

adi siang pas mau ngajar matematika di kelas 3, ternyata dari belakang kepala sekolah manggil saya. Saya berfikir pasti bakalan dapet tunjangan panitia ujian kemarin ne,hehe5.. Eee..tahunya malah disuruh setting LCD Proyektor yang baru didapet dari Dinas Pendidikan Propinsi. Yahh..terpaksa dehh, hehe5.. Nah.., dari kejadian itu, akhirnya muncul deh ide posting masalah koneksi Laptop dengan LCD Proyektor ini, hehe5..

Ada beberapa setting untuk menampilkan tampilan Laptop ke LCD Proyektor, yang pastinya Anda harus menghubungkan Laptop Anda dengan LCD Proyektor dengan Data Monitor. Setelah itu ada beberapa jenis Laptop yang langsung mendeteksi dan menampilkan melalui LCD Proyektor. Tapi ada juga yang harus disetting terlebih dahulu. Untuk beberapa Laptop yang belum terdapat settingan otomatis, berikut ini jenis settingan yang bisa Anda terapkan : 

Setting Dekstop 

[Untuk semua merek Laptop dan LCD Proyektor bisa menggunakan cara ini]

  1. Masuk ke dekstop Laptop Anda
  2. Klik kanan di Dekstop
  3. Pilih Graphics Option --> Output To --> Intel(R) Dual Display Clone --> Notebook + Monitor
  4. Tunggu beberapa detik, LCD akan mencari perangkat dan akan muncul di Laptop dan LCD Proyektor.
  5. Untuk lebih jelasnya, silahkan lihat gambar di bawah ini.

Setting Screen Resolution

[Khusus untuk koneksi Laptop Toshiba L630 dengan LCD Acer]

Berikut langkah-langkahnya :

1. Melakukan setting "Screen Resolution"

2. Setting koneksi, dengan cara : Klik kanan di Desktop --> Graphics Options --> Output To --> Clone Displasy --> Built-in Display + Monitor

Setting Manual pada Keyboard [Tombol Fn + ....]

Untuk Laptop merek Compaq bisa tekan Fn + F4 (tunggu beberapa detik karena LCD proyektor akan mencari perangkat). Ada beberapa mode jika Fn + F4 (F4 ditekan 1x)  biasanya tampilan hanya di LCD Proyektor sedangkan di Lapotop akan blank, jika Fn + F4 (F4 di tekan 2x) maka akan muncul di Laptop dan LCD Proyektor.
Untuk Laptop merek Acer bisa menggunakan kombinasi tombol Fn + F5
Untuk Laptop merek MSI bisa tekan tombol Fn + F3

Bagaimana, masih ada kendala dalam koneksi Laptop dengan LCD Proyektor Anda??? Masih muncul kata "No Signal" pada LCD Proyektor..?? kalau iya, mendingan buang aja deh ke laut, hihi5.. [becanda boss..]
Selamat mencoba yaa n semoga bermanfaat...!

Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

Cara mencari nilai Modus, Mean, Median, Akar dan Pangkat atau Kwadrat di Office Excel.

Pekan ini Tugas Statistik 2 mencari nilai Modus, Mean, Median, Akar dan Pangkat atau Kwadrat di Office Excel. Mengerjakan tugas Statistik tersebut akan lebih mudah dan cepat menggunakan Excel, tentunya dengan memasukkan rumus-rumusnya, maka hasil langsung dapat diketahui. Sehingga kita tinggal menulis atau mendesain urutan langkah-langkah pencariannya.
Setelah pada artikel tugas Statistik 1 sebelumnya membahas rumus Excel mencari LOG dll. :) , sekarang dalam tutorial ini rumus Excel untuk mencari modus, mean, median, akar dan pangkat atau kwadrat.

Rumus Modus

Modus berfungsi untuk mencari nilai yang sering muncul pada suatu data.
Syntax rumus modus uaitu
number merujuk kepada data atau ke sel tertentu. Misalnya =MODE(2,2,2,4,7,9,100,500) akan menghasilkan 2
Penulisan bisa urut dari kecil ke besar atau sebaliknya. Juga bisa secara acak. Lihat pada gambar di bawah
Gambar Rumus Modus Median Mean Excel
Penulisan dari satu persatu, bisa memakan waktu jika datanya banyak. Maka bisa diganti merujuk ke sel array (beberapa kolom) langsung, atau merujuk ke define name.

Rumus Median

Fungsi median untuk mencari nilai titik tengah (diurutkan nilai terkecil ke nilai yang terbesar atau dari besar ke kecil)
Untuk mengurutkan data mengunakan Data Sort. Untuk Office 2003 dari menubar Data – Data Sort… Sedangkan yang menggunakan Office 2007 atau 2010 klik ikon Data Sort pada Tab Home. Pilihan Data Sort ada dua, yaitu Ascending dan Descending. Ascending untuk mengurutkan dari kecil ke besar. Descending dari Besar ke kecil.
Sytax fungsi Median yaitu
Jika sekedar untuk mengetahui nilai median di Excel, maka data tidak harus diurutkan.

Rumus Mean

Fungsi mean untuk mencari nilai rata-rata dari sekelompok data. Rumus yang digunakan adalah fungsi AVERAGE. Syntax rumus Mean / Average
number datanya seperti yang lainnya, bisa ke suatu nilai, sel, array, atau define name.

Rumus Akar

Mencari akar dari suatu data nilai menggunakan Syntax SQRT
number bisa berisi angka, merujuk ke sel atau define name.

Rumus Pangkat dan Kwadrat

Untuk mencari pangkat tertentu dari suatu nilai, menggunakan rumus power atau ^
Syntax rumus POWER atau pangkat
number = nilai data
power = pangkat
Gambar Rumus kwadrat Excel
Sedangkan kwadrat tidak jauh beda, dapat menggunakan rumus POWER atau ^ di atas. Juga bisa langsung mengalikan, misalnya =2*2
Dengan menggunakan rumus Excel untuk mencari nilai modus, mean, median, akar dan pangkat atau kwadrat hasilnya langsung dapat diketahui. Selanjutnya membuat laporan sesuai dengan ilmu Statistik. Demikian, terima kasih semoga bermanfaat…


Mencari rangking atau peringkat sebuah data atau nilai dalam Microsoft Office Excel menggunakan rumus RANK. Rumus RANK yang asli dalam Excel mempunyai keterbatasan dalam mengindex urutan rangking. Dengan menambah fungsi lain dari Excel (COUNTIF dan IF), barulah rumus RANK Excel bisa menghasilkan sebuah rangking atau peringkat yang lebih baik. Berikut tutorial Excel tentang rumus RANK dalam Excel dan dengan menambahkan COUNTIF dan IF.

Syntak rumus RANK

Secara default, rumus RANK bentuk susunannya (syntak) seperti di bawah ini :
number = adalah angka yang akan dicari rangkingnya
ref = adalah yang menjadi referensi untuk mencari peringkat sebuah angka, berupa sebuah array atau daftar nilai
order = cara mengurutkan rangking, ada dua pilihan yaitu descending dan ascending
untuk merangking secara descending maka order di isi dengan angka 0
untuk merangking secara ascending maka order di isi dengan angka selain 0
Syntak RANK ini juga bisa tanpa menuliskan order
Langsung saja dipraktikkan cara membuat rumus untuk mencari ranking/peringkat, silahkan buat dalam sheet Excel tabel seperti di bawah ini
Rumus RANK Excel
Abaikan dulu kolom warna kuning dan biru, nanti dibahas belakangan. Sel yang warna hijau mempunyai nilai sama, yaitu 80. Yang lain berbeda seperti dalam gambar.
Pada sel E3 isikan rumus
Copy-paste rumus tersebut ke bawahnya sampai sel E9. Maka hasilnya seperti gambar di atas. Perhatikan rangking sel yang berwarna hijau, karena nilai sama maka semua menjadi juara 3, dalam istilah sosial disebut “juara bersama” :)
Jangan mencari peringkat 4 dan 5, lho menjadi juara bersama. Inilah salah satu keterbatasan rumus RANK yang azli dari Amrik :)
Rumus tadi juga bisa ditambah “order” menjadi
Silahkan di coba-coba ya…. Tetapi ada yang lebih menarik nih….


Untuk mengatasi keterbatasan fungsi RANK seperti tersebut di atas, maka dipadukan dengan rumus COUNTIF.
Pada sel F3 yang berwarna kuning ketikkan rumus seperti di bawah ini
Copy – paste rumus tersebut sampai sel F9, atau bisa klik ujung sel kanan bawah F9 dan seret ke bawah.
Hasilnya bagaimana? Angka yang mempunyai nilai sama tidak lagi menjadi “juara bersama”, diurutkan berdasarkan posisinya, urutan pada baris awal akan menjadi peringkat yang lebih tinggi.
Eit tunggu, tutorial belum selesai, setelah rumus RANK ditambah COUNTIF jadi, sekarang cobalah hapus salah satu nilai di kolom D, misalnya yang dihapus sel D8, hasilnya rumus RANK dan COUNTIF menjadi #N/A dalam komputer saya, bisa jadi di PC Anda berbeda hasilnya :roll:


Untuk mengatasi masalah hasilnya yang #N/A seperti di atas, maka bisa dipadukan dengan menambah fungsi IF.
Isi pada sel G3 (sel warna biru) dengan rumus di bawah ini
Seperti biasa, copy ke sel di bawahnya. Maka hasil seperti gambar di bawah ini
Kolom nilai yang tidak ada datanya akan diisi kosong oleh rumus IF. Bagi yang mulai belajar Excel, silahkan baca dulu dasar-dasar rumus IF Excel.
Selain menggunakan fungsi IF, juga bisa melalui Conditional Formatting, dengan memasukkan rumus =ISERROR() selanjutnya formatting font pilih warna putih biar tidak terlihat.
Jika dengan copy-paste dari blog ini rumus Rank Excel ini tidak berfungsi, biasanya karena masalah karakter, coba diketik manual. Atau yang merasa tetap kesulitan, silahkan download contoh rumus Rank Excel seperti dalam tutorial blog ini.
Demikian tutorial cara menggunakan rumus RANK Excel untuk mencari rangking atau peringkat nilai atau data dalam sebuah tabel. Dari rumus dasar ini bisa dikembangkan sesuai dengan tuntutan pekerjaan. Maaf dan terima kasih.

cara memperbaiki hardisk bad sektor

Bad sektor atau bad block adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menyebut area yang rusak pada hardisk. Bad Sector pada hardisk ini secara umum terdapat 2 macam, yaitu bad sektor secara fisik dan bad sektor secara software. Bad sector secara fisik terjadi karena adanya keruksakan pada bagian plate hardisk yang bisa terjadi karena hardisk terkena debu, hardisk terjatuh, terkena benturan keras dan sebagainya. Sedangkan bad sector secara software bisa terjadi ketika hardisk sedang sibuk tiba-tiba komputer mati, misalnya karena mati listrik.

Terdapat beberapa tools aplikasi yang dapat kita gunakan untuk memperbaiki kondisi hardisk yang mengalami bad sektor secar software yaitu:

Memperbaiki Hardisk Bad Sector dengan HDD Low Level Format Tool

Progam Low level format adalah utility yang berfungsi untuk menghapus seluruh informasi baik partisi, data didalam hardisk serta informasi bad sektor. Setelah menjalankan low level format maka kondisi hardisk akan benar-benar bersih seperti kondisi pertama kali digunakan. Jadi sebelumnya  pastikan data yang diperlukan di-backup terlebih dahulu. Melihat fungsinya itu, maka selain digunakan untuk memperbaiki bad sektor, tool low level format bisa kita gunakan untuk membersihkan data-data yang sangat pribadi atau rahasia secara permanen.

Berikut adalah langkah-langkah untuk menggunakan HDD Low Level Format Tool:
  1. Download program HDD Low Level Format di http://hddguru.com/software/HDD-LLF-Low-Level-Format-Tool/.
  2. Install dan jalankan program HDD Low Level Format tools sehingga muncul tampilan seperti dibawah :
    Menggunakan HDD Low Level Format Tool

  3. Pilih hardisk yang akan di-format, kemudian klik Continue..
  5. Tunggu sampai selesai, dan biasanya prosesnya akan memakan waktu cukup lama jadi luangkanlah waktu yang cukup.
Selain untuk hardisk (SATA, IDE atau SCSI), HDD Low Level Format Tool bisa juga untuk memformat Flashdisk, Flash Card dan sejenisnya.

Memperbaiki Hardisk Bad Sector dengan Bad Block Recovery Softwares dari Vendor Hardisk

Beberapa vendor hardisk mengeluarkan software / tool diagnostic untuk melakukan analisa dan maintenance hardisk, diantaranya adalah :
1. Fujitsu IDE Low level Format Utility

Fujitsu IDE Low level Format Utility

Software untuk memperbaiki hardisk bad sektor dari Fujitsu, dapat di download di: www.fujitsu-europe.com/support/disk/software/erase.zip

2. Seagate's Seatools for Windows dan Seagate's Seatools for DOS

Seagate's Seatools for Windows

Diagnostic Tools dari Seagate yang dapat digunakan untuk hardisk merek Seagate, Maxtor ataupun hardisk dari vendor lain, dapat di download di: http://www.seagate.com/www/en-us/support/downloads.

3. Western Digital Data Lifeguard Diagnostics

memperbaiki hardisk bad sector dengan western digital data 
lifeguard diagnostic

Merupakan tools untuk maintenance dan repair hardisk, khusus untuk Hardisk dari Western Digital dapat Anda download di: http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/Hard-Disk-Utils/Western-Digital-DLG-Diagnostics.shtml 

Demikianlah beberapa cara yang dapat kita lakukan untuk memperbaiki hardisk bad sector. Alangkah baiknya sebelum hardisk kita bermasalah, kita monitor dan cek kesehatan hardisk. Klo perlu  kita lakukan benchmark hardisk dengan HD Tune untuk memeriksa kinerja hardisk saat ini. Semoga bisa membantu..

cara mengatasi komputer restart sendiri

Sebenarnya saya sendiri sudah tidak menggunakan OS Windows dan lebih menggunakan OS Linux karena selain tidak mampu membeli juga karena saya ingin mencoba tidak menjadi pembajak software hehehe (baca: sok idealis wkwkwkwk). Namun tetap saja seringkali banyak teman-teman yang bertanya dan mengeluh komputer temen-temen saya yang menggunakan OS Windows sering sekali restart sendiri.
Beberapa teman pengguna OS Windows menganggap komputer mereka terkena virus. Namun selain mungkin karena virus, sebenarnya ada penyebab lain. Penyebab tersebut salah satunya karena di sistem settinganya memang masih di setting untuk sewaktu-waktu restart autamatic sendiri.
Untuk solusinya, silahkan ikuti tips sederhana berikut ini. Untuk membuat Tutorial ini saya terpaksa harus menggunakan OS Windows milik kantor (karena lepi saya sudah menggunakan Linux :D ).
  • Langkah Pertama, Silahkan anda buka explore, jika sudah membuka explore silahkan anda klik kanan pada menu “my computer” dan pilih menu “propertis” seperti terlihat pada gambar 1 dibawah ini:
Gambar 1
Gambar 1
  • Langkah Kedua, setelah anda klik properties seperti gambar diatas, maka selanjutnya akan muncul menu “system properties” dan anda pilih klik “advanced” dan kemudian klik “setting” pada menu “startup and recovery” pada bagian paling bawah seperti terlihat pada gambar 2 berikut:
Gambar 2
Gambar 2
  • Langkah Ketiga, Jika anda sudah menjalankan pada tahap kedua seperti gambar 2 diatas, maka selanjutnya akan muncul menu ”startup and recovery” kemudian perhatikan pada bagian paling bawah ada tulisan “Automatically Restart” yang posisinya tercentang seperti terlihat pada gambar 3 di bawah ini:
Gambar 3
Gambar 3
  • Langkah Keempat, Jika posisi ”Automatically Restart” masih tercentang, yang anda lakukan adalah hapus tanda centang tersebut dengan cara mengklik satu kali pada tanda centang tersebut sehingga tanda tercentang tersebut hilang seperti terlihat pada gambar 4 berikut ini:
Gambar 4
Gambar 4
  • Langkah kelima, Jika tanda centang pada ”Automatically Restart” sudah hilang jangan lupa klik tombol “OK” maka sudah selesai.
Selamat mencoba …..
Jika anda tidak ingin mengalami seperti itu (baca: komputer restart sendiri) saya sarankan silahkan beralih menggunakan OS Linux :D ckckckck …

Cara Mudah Modif Printer Epson T13

Wah...., lama ga posting dikarenakan kesibukan kerja. Kali ini saya akan mencoba mengulas bagaimana cara memasang sistem infus (CISS) printer T13.

Oke to the point saja, alat dan bahan sebagai berikut:
1. Printer T13 tentu saja
2. Tabung Infus, sill dan knee.
3. Tinta Epson (botolan 100mL - non original) Hitam, Merah, Kuning dan Biru.
4. Cartridge infus TO73.
5. Penjepit kertas.
5. Gunting / Cutter.
6. Lakban hitam, lakban bolak-balik.
7. Tisu.
8. Klem

Pertama Coba cartridge infus ke printer. Bila sudah oke pasang Cartridge tersebut ke tabung yang sudah di isi tinta beserta sill dan knee. hasilnya seperti gambar dibawah,

Cartridge diisi penuh dengan tinta. usahakan tidak ada gelembung udara di selang.
Selanjutnya pasang sistem infus di printer seperti gambar berikut,

Coba digeser-geser kanan-kiri manual dengan tangan jangan sampai posisi selang mengganggu mekanisme printer.

Hasil akhir :
Demikian singkat saja cara pemasangan sistem infus pada printer Epson T13. Semoga sedikit memberikan gambaran bagi rekan-rekan yang ingin memasang sediri. Apabila ada pertanyaan silahkan diisi kolom komentaryna.


Jika kita membeli perangkat infus secara terpisah dengan printernya (beda toko), maka biasanya kita mau tidak mau harus memasangnya sendiri. Nah masalahnya memasang infus itu tidak boleh sembarangan, karena kalau kita salah memasang bisa menyebabkan beberapa masalah, seperti aliran tinta tidak lancar, selangnya  mudah tersangkut, nge-blink, dan lain sebagainya.

Kali ini kita akan mencoba memasang infus pada printer Epson CX5500, tapi sebelumnya sediakan beberapa alat yang dibutuhkan selain peralatan infus, yaitu:

Penggaris (untuk mengikat selang)
Botol bekas (tempat pembuangan tinta)
Selang (biasa digunakan pada aquarium)
Lem Alteco (untuk menyambung selang) 

Cara pemasangannya adalah sebagai berikut.

1. Ambillah Ink Tank asli beserta penutup atas Ink Tank pada printer. 
        Memang agak susah untuk membuka penutup atas ini, butuh teknik 
        tersendiri (dengan cara dibenggang).
2. Isilah Ink Tank yang baru Anda beli terlebih dahulu, dengan cara
        membuka tutup lubang pada Ink Tank dan tutup kecil pada tabung infus 
        agar tinta dapat mengalir ke dalam Ink Tank. Jika susah mengalir 
        tinggikan posisi tabung infus. Isi sampai penuh Ink Tank, kemudian 
        pasang penutupnya kembali.

3. Pasanglah penggaris di tengah-tengah celah, dan ikat dengan lakban.

4. Setelah itu masukkan Ink Tank yang sudah berisi tinta tadi, dan 
        pasanglah seperti yang terlihat pada gambar di bawah ini.

5. Kemudian Anda tinggal rapikan selang dengan lakban.
6. Terakhir buatlah saluran pembuangan tinta agar suatu saat nanti Anda 
        tidak perlu membongkar printer jika tinta hasil head cleaning sudah 
        penuh. Caranya  ambil penutup di belakang sebelah kiri printer, lalu cabut 
        selang yang berada di situ dan sambungkan ke selang yang sudah 
        disambungkan ke dalam botol seperti ini.

Semoga bermanfaat

Computer Monitor Repair

Computer Monitor Repair
Updated November 11, 2003
All questions and answers posted here become the property of AnaTek Corporation
The content of these pages is copyrighted by AnaTek Corporation 1994-2003. This information is intended to be for the individual, private use of all visitors to this site. Reproduction in any form is prohibited. All other rights are reserved.

QUESTION NO. P101503-4:  Acana Peripherals 17s monitor FCC IIB-UA1.  I need the value of burned R472, R473, R492, R493 and R495.
In the TVM schematic, I read R472 as 1K; R473 as 20K; R492 as 1M; R493 as 51K; and R495 as 10K. But these likely died from a bad flyback, T404, which would need replacing. 

QUESTION NO. P101503-8:  Dell 1028L monitor.  What is the value of the ph-33d? 
Without the component's chassis location number, the service literature cannot be referenced, but this may be a Philips fast-recovery type rectifier, BYD-33D, rated 200 Volts, 1 Amp. Possible substitutes for that one, are FR103, NTE552, or NTE574.

QUESTION NO. P100603-2:  Viewsonic E70,  burnt R457 resistor, next FBT. Need the value of resistor. Caused by s/c c445 connected to collector of FB transistor Q407. 
There are many different Viewsonic E70 models, so without the 'VCDTS' model number, one cannot be sure which one is your model. However, the E70-3 version does have its R457 connected to the collector of Q407 via a capacitor (the other end of R457 goes to the base of PNP Q426, in that E70 version), and in that chassis, R457 is 1.5K Ohms, 1/2 Watt.

QUESTION NO. P100103-7:  HP D2817A monitor.  I need the value of R612 (surface mount resistor at the bottom of the PCB). 
R612 is 270K Ohms; its size is larger than most SMD, could be a 2010 size (1/2 Watt).

QUESTION NO. P082703-4:  LG Studioworks 99T monitor, Q520 is fried. Part reads K2379, seems to be Sanyos mosfet 2SK2379.  Part is impossible to get in Germany, are there any equivalent replacements? 
Although Sanyo's 2SK2379 is a logic-level gate Mosfet, in the LG 99T circuit, Q520's gate is driven by a 12 Volt source, so a standard-gate Mosfet like Fairchild's IRFS650B or SSS45N20B (or SSP45N20B with an insulator) might substitute for 2SK2379 in this location.

QUESTION NO. P092503-10:  evokd1730 (Vs-7) monitor.  I need reference Q 411.
Q411 is BU2525AF.

QUESTION NO. P082503-2:  DA-456 CRT Monitor.  I need the values of D406, R475 and R471. 
D406=1N4148, R475=10Kohm 1/4W, R471=30Kohm 1/4W

QUESTION NO. P090403-6:  Viewsonic G810 VCDTS 23852-6M monitor, horizontal scan is missing on the right side.  There is distortion of the scanning lines before they peter out. 
If there is a bad blanking pulse at pin 17 of IC601, on the CRT board, one possible way to restore the blanking pulse, is to change the value of R460 (100K) to 15K Ohms, to increase the base drive for Q4412.

QUESTION NO. P081803-10:  LKOM L705 monitor is dead, power supply working, the led is on but no EHT.  Collector has 50 volts of HOT transistor but no signal on base of the transistor. The chip is TDA9115 but no output at vertical and horizontal output sections. 
.50V on the collector of the transistor is ok but if the base does not have it to turn it on the transistor will not conduct or turn on and that 50V will not go to ground or its proper place.  As for TDA9115 no output [check for the correct voltage, ground, input to the unit].  Maybe something is loading the output of the TDA9115 down.  If disconnect the output and check it again.

QUESTION NO. P090303-5:  Acer 7276e monitor FCC JVP7276E.  I need the value of C326 by the HOT and value and location of FR101.  I was told to also check F701, F702, F703, F704, J013, R326, R328, R241, R329, C327, C304, D308, L304, ZD210, IC201, Q301, Q302, and Q316.
The Acer 7276e schematic shows C326 as 270 pF/500V. FR101 (2A) is on the CRT board, on the +85V line, located between pin 4 of the 5-pin plug M103, and C170.

QUESTION NO. P090303-3:  KDS monitor FCC EVOKD-1910T, what is the part number for the FBT? 
In a KDS AV-195T with this FCC number, KDS used FBT type Y265432B. Also, H.R. Diemen claims that their FBT type HR46206 is a replacement for Y265432B.

QUESTION NO. P082803-5:  Nec MULTISYNC 95F monitor is missing R31A, I need the value. 
Assuming this NEC is chassis N9902, R31A appears to be 0.33 Ohm, 1 Watt, fusible.

QUESTION NO. P082703-7:  Acer 7178ie monitor FCC JVP7178ie. Arcing or sparking at the neck board between ground to either F1 or F2. The flyback has 4 wires output, one is High voltage, G2, the other two wires just guessing are either F1 and F2. Is the flyback (# TLF 063-11-39) defective?
Yes, arcing at the focus pins is a common fault from a defective 7178ie flyback. The Acer number for this flyback is 19.70033.011. The TLF063-11-39 is not the actual flyback number, that number is just for the focus pack.

QUESTION NO. P082503-4:  Compaq V90 monitor FCC BR8SM-994.  I need the value of burned R866.
R866 is 2.2 ohms, flameproof.

QUESTION NO. P082503-5:  Samsung45bn monitor has a white screen but no picture.  Checked the HOT, the two 220 diodes are ok.  All main diodes are fine.  Did in circuit testing of all small transistors, they show no shorts.  Checked 53 volts 70 volt and 12 volt they are fine.  The hot heatsink heats abnormally, nothing else heats up or blows.  Switching on function is normal, I can hear is degauss and then back, the led also stays green.
I replaced 1rf 630 near the buttons and it fixed the problem.

QUESTION NO. P082203-4:  Proview 986M monitor  FCC IJE986.  What are the values of Q663 and Q664?  The board is version  200-100-PR98E rev: F3+. 
Q663 and Q664 are shown as being either KSC5042F, or 2SC4686A, in the schematic. Possible alternatives are 2SC4630, or a 2SC3675 with insulator hardware added. B&D Enterprises (ww.bdent.com) is one source for these transistors.

QUESTION NO. P082203-3:  LG Flatron 775FT monitor.  I need the equivalent for FJAF6812 horizontal transistor.  
Possible substitutes for FJAF6812 include 2SC4890, 2SC5411, BU4525AX, and NTE2365 with an insulator.

QUESTION NO. P082103-4:  Sony/Sun gdm 20e20 monitor has a flickering picture, not horizontally centered and unstable vertically in a jumping back and forth fashion.  All voltages are ok and no damage to pcbs can be found. 
These sort of faults can be caused by a defective IC007 = CXA1908S, Sony p/n# 8-752-076-34, on the "D" board. Often, replacing this IC then requires DAS software re-alignment of the screen geometry parameters.

QUESTION NO. P081803-9:  Samsung Sync Master 753S & 750s monitor.  I need the part number of the FBT.
For Samsung chassis DP17L, two FBT's are listed, FEA831 (BH26-00035A), or FQB17A001 (BH26-00026A).  FEA831 and FQB17A001 should be similar, or the same, for they cross to the same HR Diemen equivalent, HR46203. For Samsung chassis AQ17LS, the FBT is listed as LCE-CF1781, Samsung part code BH26-00109A.

QUESTION NO. P71103-4:  NEC V520(B) monitor without FCC #.  The power is ok and LED indicate green but no display.  No HV and relay does not click.  Checked HOT it's ok.  Checked all resistors, diodes and transistors at power supply and deflection area and looks all ok. 
Try resoldering  tube connections, especially G2.

QUESTION NO. P72503-1:  Optiquest V95 Model vcdts2183 monitor FCC GSS1900 the horizontal sync is way out, the picture is only 4 inches wide.  I think LM1292N IC is bad but can't locate one. I used to purchase IC's from LJ but his site is no longer there. 
LJ Enterprises' new web address www.ljecc.com/

QUESTION NO. P70803-3:  Sony CPD-E220 monitor power supply and HV are ok but low G2 and switches on with signal then shuts down after 30 seconds steady orange flashing led.
These units are lemons.  Sony will replace between certain serial numbers because they cannot supply eeproms & microprocessors.  Do not try to fit blank eeprom or it will blow in a big way.

QUESTION NO. P73103-6:  Sampo km718dt monitor chassis c718.  I need values of R509 and C503. 
In my Sampo KM-718 manual, R509 is 22 Ohms, 2 Watts, and C503 is 0.047 uF, 400V.

QUESTION NO. P72903-9:  KDS monitor FCC EVOKD-1910T.  I need substitute part for transistor A1281 at location Q818. 
A possible substitute could be Fairchild's FPN660, but its pinout is EBC, instead of ECB, so its leads would need to be inserted correspondingly. Mouser Electronics (www.mouser.com) is listing FPN660.

QUESTION NO. P72103-10:  NEC multisync FE700+ monitor, all digital alignment controls work except width and pincushion.  If problem is processor please mention source for same. 
In many digital monitor it happens that there width and pincushion control doesn't work other all controller functioning ok. This problem is due to the Transistor which control the Horizontal Size. mostly it is located on the center of the circuit board. Look for the Transistor B649A and replace it. Some time there are more then one so if there are then check them all and replace the defective one.

QUESTION NO. P72103-9:  KDS Multiscan color monitor FCC EVOKD-1910. is dead, components are burnt.  I need the value and part numbers of Q424, Q818, IC 403, R424, R466, R468, R462. 
I have EVOKD-1910T here, I think it is quite similar so I'll try to help a bit.  Q424 is 400V N-Channel MOSFET IRFS730, IC403 is SMPS Controller KA3842B (the same as IC404 you have there), R424 is 3600 ohm, R468 is 1 ohm. Have you check yr flyback? I could not locate Q818 (Q810?). My R466 and R462 are burnt too, waiting others to help. 
R466=1k ohms 1/4w
R462=10  ohms1/4w.

QUESTION NO. P72903-8:  HP M70 D5259A monitor, chassis D5259-60050, I need value R451 
HP has installed several different chassis in model D5259A, but if yours is a Tatung C7B chassis, the schematic for the Tatung C7B shows R451 as 1.5K ohms.

QUESTION NO. P72503-7:  Viewsonic P810 monitor is dead.  I replaced a shorted horiz. output transistor.  It is still dead but now there is a ticking noise from the power supply. 
Viewsonic has made several different versions of P810, with different FCC and VCDTS numbers, so specific tips cannot be given. However, in general, when HOT's short in these, the B+ regulator FET (usually a P-channel FET) is also bad. Sometimes also, the damper diode, and/or diodes on the SMPS secondary 200 Volt rail, are bad, or fuses or fusible resistors in the B+ supply line are open. Also check the base drive circuit components for that shorted HOT. In some models, bad FBT's are common.

QUESTION NO. P72803-3:  Viewsonic G790 model VCDTS21385-1M monitor.  Initial fault was arcing on the FBT.  I replaced it (FEA661). No arcing but no operation either.  Q303 (2SC5331) and Q103 ( IRF740) were shorted.  Q303 is the HOT ;Q103 is a regulator in the HV circuit.  Replaced both and tested again.  Q303 shorted again but not Q103.  The HVOPT (Q105,  C5124) never blows. Q601 (the B+ regulator in the HOT circuit) was tested OK but replaced anyway. Also tested damper diode D304,  D317,  and R334.  What is causing Q303 to short? 
I have located the culprit.  It was D123 (shorted) in the G1 circuit output of the FBT.  It looks like the load on the HVOP was causing the B+ on the HOT to wildly fluctuate and take out the HOT.

QUESTION NO. P72503-3:  Apple M6496 Studio Display monitor no FCC or model number, made by LG Electronics.  There is no B-plus to the horizontal output transistor, Q707.  I have carefully checked the board with a magnifying glass.
Check that B+ voltage passes through P-FET regulator Q404. Also check C411, ultrafast D405, and damper D714. If there are no pulses on the gate of Q404, check R439, zener D404 (18V), and ascertain that horizontal drive is being provided to Q404's gate from IC701.

QUESTION NO. P72503-5:  HP D2837 monitor, when the power is turned on, the unit draws 50 watts constant, the raster pulsates about 4 times per second.  The pulsating starts in the center and expands outward about 1/2 inch both horizontally and vertically.  The B plus voltage holds steady at 88 volts.  The High Voltage "vibrates" at 27.5 
Assuming this HP model is FCC#A3LCKB722, I would check C517 (3.3 uF, bipolar); the schematic lists it as 50V, but sometimes the manufacturer has skimped on this one's voltage rating. If C517 is OK, then check the flyback.

QUESTION NO. P72303-10:  AOC monitor spectrum 4v has power green led but has no display. 
Check diode near power supply, damper diode (her 303,stpr 303).

QUESTION NO. P72403-3:  Dell p991 19 Sony monitor,  I am measuring 30 KV for high voltage and unless I lower brightness and contrast  down to 30% of full the monitor goes into shutdown.  How can I lower HiV to 26-27 KV?  When I pull crt socket off the tube all is OK, so I'm guessing its excessive beam current. 
According to the manual, HV is adjusted to 27KV by RV901 (on D board, under a cover and RTV silicone). Also, check components in the HV regulatory circuit (R924, R925, RV901, IC901, and FBT T901), and the HV and ABL protection circuits (R917, R918, R920, R921, R923, R932, R933, R191, R1004, R1006, C920, D911, D912, D915, D917, IC901, T901), in case any are off-value or faulty. Note, Defective FBT's (Sony p/n# 1-453-317-11) are one cause of 30KV HV in this model.

QUESTION NO. P72403-9:  Samtron SC 726GXL monitor FCC A3LCMH737.  I need value of C506 
According to the SC-726GXL manual, C506 is a metallized polypropylene film capacitor, 0.33 UF, 400 Volts, 5% tolerance.

QUESTION NO. P72303-3:  Proview px561 monitor.  I need the reference of the transistor Q630 .
Q630 is IRF634, or an equivalent type. IRF740A can also substitute. If Q630 is bad, also replace C635, and carefully check D632 for reverse leakiness.

QUESTION NO. P72203-5:  Compaq MV520 monitor displays bad horizontal width problems. Can adjust vertical ok using setup adjustment controls but not horizontal width or position. I have changed IC U401 and U2.
Compaq MV520 has several chassis versions, with different CO-xxxxx model codes, but if your version has a dual diode at D801, check it for bad solder, and for reverse leakiness in the diodes. If D801 has problems, also check FET's Q802 and Q805, in case D801 has damaged them.

QUESTION NO. P70803-9:  Philips 107E20/00Z monitor, I need type of power mosfet in power supply section part number 7101. It is some ST microelectronics type but cannot read because burnt badly. 
The original part is SSP7N60A. A substitute part is IRFB9N60A. The Philips part number is 9322 135 00687.

QUESTION NO. P72103-1:  Dell GDM-5001PT monitor does not respond to the controls for vertical center and vertical size, also has pincushion on both sides.  How do I reset ic007 in the D board, CXA-2043Q like Samsung TV's?
This Dell is a Sony, not a Samsung, chassis. The symptoms sound more like a defective IC007, than one that needs realigning via Sony DAS software. If you replace IC007, beware of lifting the fine PCB traces. Sony distributors have CXA2043Q, as Sony part number 8-752-078-46, or MCM Electronics may have the generic part available.

QUESTION NO. P71703-4:  Compaq 150 Model 445A monitor, Chassis CM0200, FCC A3KM050. Phillips Manufactured, but no help there. Of course Compaq recommends replacement. R3423, R3424, R3426 burned. Need values. Vertical IC shorted after powering it up with the cable connecting the mask to the CRT Board unhooked. (Looking for loose solder connections). Anything else I should be looking at? Vert IC replaced, of course.
In my Philips manual for CM0200, R3423 is 220 ohm, 0.33 Watt; and both R3424 and R3426 are 4.7 ohm, 0.5 Watt.

QUESTION NO. P71503-1:  Viewsonic GS815 monitor, I need the part number of the vertical IC. 
The vertical IC is TDA8172; also check nearby electrolytic capacitors for  possible damage from incorrect supply voltages. 

QUESTION NO. P71003-7:  LG Studioworks 74m monitor, FCC BEJCM710.  Initial problem was no go with ticking sound.  Checked H.O.T which was ok.  Replaced Flyback Transformer, and monitor now operates BUT only when the video cable is not plugged into the rear of the monitor.  As soon as I plug the cable in the monitor goes into standby mode, and B+ goes high. 
Check the B+ coil and capacitors, coil is to left of fbt near p/supply inspect closely for burning and test value, check the fet also. Every now and then one of these will do more damage when the fbt goes, some only the fbt.

QUESTION NO. P71003-8:  Samsung 550S (DP15LS) monitor, I cannot adjust the colors, no screen pots(red, blue, green), no driver pots, no DAS connectors. 
Color adjustments on the DP15LS model are done with Samsung's Softjig software, and the Samsung Softjig interface assembly (interface board Ver. 2.0, and signal cable).

QUESTION NO. P71003-4:  HP D2825 monitor FCC 7154E.  Display was split into two parts horizontally and about 3inch diagonal bar was in the center of the screen. I checked H stage.  I changed H.O.T (BU2520AF), now Q317 N CHANNAL F.E.T (K2161) is blowing.  I replaced it with IRF 740 but, its also over heats & seams to be burned. Also need value of zener diode D316.  Another problem is when connect the Vga cable, the front panel controls does not  work. When Vga cable is disconnected the front panel controls (Bright, Contrast, Size, etc) work. 
First change ceramic cap C335 (220pF/2KV), by the flyback. If R214 (15K) is bad, IC201 (TDA4858) is probably also bad. Since Q317 repeatedly burns, also check if coil L304 has burnt or shorted windings, or has lost inductance (L304 should retain at least 0.7 mH in inductance), and check zener D316 (24V), ultrafast diode D317, and C326. 

QUESTION NO. P71003-3:  Compaq mv520 monitor has 240 volts (Australia) in to board power supply but nothing else to the rest of the board, front led flashes dimly.
Replace Q505 (IRF630) FET mounted on FBT cage. Dry joints on FBT and C513 (100uF200V) swollen. But any heavy drain on the supply could cause this.

QUESTION NO. P70903-4:  Dell P1110 monitor, G2 dies out after 1 to 2 hours, spraying coolant on Q406 brings back the picture.  Q406 is surface mounted with no visible markings, what is the generic part #? 
In the Sony Manual, Q406 is either a Matsushita 2SB709A (in the schematic), or a Toshiba 2SA1162 (in the parts list); these two PNP transistors have similar specs. The parts list shows Q406 as 2SA1162-G (G = gain bracket 200-400), and Sony p/n# 8-729-216-22.

QUESTION NO. P70903-5: Digital CMC-1511BW/SM monitor Chassis CMC-1509B was dead.  Replaced damaged transistor (FET) 2sj449 (part #Q133) and main H-Out transistor 2sc4924 (part #q500).  Now monitor is on but is not showing any picture signal coming from the VGA of the computer.  I checked the vga with another monitor which worked fine.  In the standby mode some tick tick sound coming from the relays RL501 and RL503 near the H-Out transistor and in full working mode the noise coming from the flyback or near around the flyback. 
With Q133 and Q500 bad, I would also check R150 (10 ohm); C539; ultrafast rectifier D132; and the rectifier for the 200V secondary supply off the SMPS transformer.

QUESTION NO. P70803-10:  Tatung C7BZR monitor.  I need a substitute for a dmv-32 or dmv-56. Its a damper/modulation diode pack in a transistor case.
Possible substitutes for ST Micro's diodes DMV32B and DMV56 include Sanken's types FMP-2FUR, FMQ-2FUR, FMT-2FUR; also, Fairchild's type FFPF60B150DS.
DMV32B diode is available in UK from http://www.dalbani.co.uk/index.php

QUESTION NO. P70703-4:  IBM 6556-03N monitor Sony chassis SCC-LO7G-A   raster is tearing top 1/3 of screen, improves as it warms up.  Worse in high resolution modes. 
Check C575; also check C573, since the problem is worse in certain modes.

QUESTION NO. P70703-2:  AOC 7klr monitor.  Need value of r626, burnt beyond recognition. 
Value of R626 is 820E 1w.  After replacing screen shows thin lines and foldover on top.  Changed TDA 4866 and electrolytics around this IC.  Fixed the problem.

QUESTION NO. P62303-10:  Kimodo K7 Sceptre monitor is dead after not being used for three months.  No known damage nor surges. PLED blinks short on, long off. 
Next time include size, proper make, model, year, FCC ID, UL and CSA.  Your unit is a 17" Komodo (Sceptre) computer monitor model P773, part number:K73P, year:  March 10,1999, FCC GKRM773,UL:1K97.  Your unit like 70% of all of those chassis have a defective T802=FEA632 (Sampo)=flyback which takes out the HOT,Q503=2SC5387 which could be subbed for ST2408HI,BUH1015HI,BU2508AF or 2SC3886./

QUESTION NO. P60503-1:  Compaq mv520 monitor.  What is the correct line output transistor fitted to this chassis? 
Line output transistor is BU4508AX

QUESTION NO. P52903-7:  AppleVision 850 Monitor was originally intermittent, when display would disappear. This seemed to be a heat-related problem, as monitor would power up normally after letting it stand for some time.  Disassembled monitor, and resoldered some suspect joints. This fixed the intermittent problem. Monitor then lost display, with no obvious signs of overheated components.  Now when powered up, and video signal asserted from computer, power LED blinks ORANGE at about 2Hz. Are there any points where critical DC voltages can be checked?
Check vertical IC and caps.  If I remember correctly pins 6 & 7 or pins 5 & 7 will short.

QUESTION NO. P61903-10:  Apple Multiple Scan M2494 FCC AK8M2494.  About 10 ~13 seconds after turning on the unit, picture gets so bright (with retrace lines) causing the unit to shut down. All main voltages test ok;  G2 voltage is about 1kv at the source, but seems to have an automatic G2 regulation circuit at the CRT module.
Check tube socket connections for dry joints.  These units lift smd components on video board near the heat sink component side.  Also check microprocessor output.

QUESTION NO. P61703-2:  Dell D1626HT monitor (Sony chassis SCC-L04K-A) with no red color. After check and replace de IC403 (FA4111) without result, I think the problem can be caused by malfunction of IC402 (M52722P).  I haven't any datasheet of M52722P and I can't find in Mitsubishi Semiconductor site. 
In the schematic, the Red input to IC402 is to pin 17, and is about 2.8V. Red drive (pin 18) is about 3.9V, Red hold (pin 35) is about 4.4V, and Red Output (pin 37) is about 2.7V. Vcc for red (12VDC) is IC402, pins 16 and 36; red ground pins are pins 24 and 29. Red output goes to transistor Q101 (PNP, base is about 2.8V, emitter is about 3.5V), then continues on to input at IC403. If another IC is needed, IC402 (M52722P) is Sony part number 8-759-468-63.

QUESTION NO. P61703-3:  Nokia 447x258 monitor.  Need part number for T27 FET. 
T27 is IRF9622, a P-channel Mosfet; an IRF9620 could substitute.

QUESTION NO. P61703-5:  Acer 7156e monitor, JVP7156E totally dead.  Checked all resistors, transistors, diodes and caps in primary side.  Replaced ic uc3842 but did not help.  When switched ON, main capacitor still holds current.  Double checked all component in primary and secondary.
Unfortunately in this monitor a charged cap does not mean much. The main drive is not the IC you changed but IC701 via an opto coupler so if there is a short say on the flyback IC701 will lock down and C612 will be fully charged. I then suggest check the usual output transistor etc and ring the flyback if you can.

QUESTION NO. P60903-2:  Hyundai S560 monitor has narrow screen.  I need the value of burned Q312, I can make out K D2. 
Q312 is D2061

QUESTION NO. P60603-3:  Samtron 750S or 753S monitor with Eprom IC 24C04, first MENU never use to come when I replaced 24C04 (ST make China) first instant it worked correct, but after switch on again the width becomes less, I tried with next IC, again the same thing, I tried with 24C08 of other make same thing again. 
After replacing the eeprom you need to do an alignment with Samsung's Softjig software and interface. After doing the alignment, save the data to the eeprom.

QUESTION NO. P61203-9:  Samsung Syncmaster 15GLI monitor.  I need values of R609, R610, R616 & zener diode D610. 
R609=0.18ohm 1W, R610=1K ohm 1/6W, R616=15K ohm 1/2W, D610 = 16V zener( UZ-16BM).

QUESTION NO. P61203-8:  Compaq V75 model 623T monitor.  I replaced FBT (FEA662), Q831 (BU2520?), R866 (2.2 Ohm 1/4W). I want to be sure about Q831, is it supposed to be a BU2520DF (with damper diode) or BU2520AF (without damper diode)?
The version of BU2520 used for Q831 is BU2520DF (contains a damper).

QUESTION NO. P61203-10:  HP D5259A monitor Chassis C-711 has a horizontal line across the screen.  Resoldered cracked solder joints at I602 (vertical IC), still horizontal line.  R618 is fried, what is its?
R618 is 1 ohm.  Also check if the vertical chip is damaged.

QUESTION NO. P61203-2:  Philips 107e monitor, power supply contains smps  ic which is TEA1504.  I need a replacement from other manufacturers. 
That is a specialized chip made by Philips so forget about other makers.

QUESTION NO. P60503-8:  NEC P1250 monitor with vertical field collapse. i.e. a horizontal line is visible in the center of the screen.  I have replaced the IC104 but the problem remains.
No vertical deflection has a specific troubleshooting procedure.  1st. Check vertical yoke winding connections on PCB and measure.  resistance of winding with yoke unhooked from PCB (expect 8.2-11 ohms).  2nd.  Locate B+ pin of Vertical Output IC and check for DC voltage typical 25-27VDC.  3rd.  Locate vertical sync input pin of OUTPUT IC and check for sync in lack of sync means VERTICAL drive missing from further back in circuit
typical cause is 2.2 uf cap @50 vdc series coupling.  4th.  Look for a 100uf cap at cathode of B+in diode negative will go to pin labeled PUMP or RAMP if this cap has low ESR no vertical defl will occur and output DC reference voltage will be 50-70% of documented value.  5th. Some vertical circuits use a series defl cap in the range of 1000-3300 UF.  if this cap is open no deflection will occur. Other variations use less than 1 ohm resistors from NEGATIVE of this cap to ground. Poor solder (heat stress) oropen resistors take cp out of return line and thus NO DEFLECTION.

QUESTION NO. P61003-10:  Proline 7G1r monitor FCC ARSCM7850 was DOA, Q811 was faulty and R8090 was burnt, I guessed at the value of R8090 to be approx 190 ohms, I replaced these components, after switch on the resistor starts to burn again, the whole area around these components and the KA3842 IC, was stained, almost like sea air corrosion, but only in a confined area.
In an AOC-brand model with the same FCC number, R8090 was 22 ohms, 2 Watts. Besides checking Q811, other components that might be checked are Q812, Q823, C827, C828, C837, D806, D807, and check for any shorted windings in T804. The KA3842 IC may also have been damaged, and try to clean the stain off the PCB.

QUESTION NO. P60903-9:  EMC Multisystems SA-770 monitor FCC IJE765 has a shorted Q630 (IRF634A).  What other parts should I check or replace along with this mosfet so it doesn't short again? 
Check the flyback transformer and output transistor, one or both are faulty.
Along with Q630, the ultrafast rectifier D632, and electrolytic C635, should also be replaced, as they are usually marginal or defective, as well (may not test totally bad). It has been suggested to reduce the value of C635, from 22 uF/250V, to 10 uF/250V.

QUESTION NO. P60603-5:  TVM AS6S monitor.  I need the value of R473. 
R473 is 20K ohms. When R473 burns, this is likely caused by a defective flyback transformer.

QUESTION NO. P60603-7:  Nec pn7701 monitor with open R304. Can't read the color code. 
R304 is 3.3 Ohms.

QUESTION NO. P60503-5:  Daytek DT-1501BA1 monitor FCC DTSCMC1501BA has horizontal line/squashed picture center of screen.  Resoldered five bad solder joints on vertical deflection circuit (TDA1675A) still have horizontal line. 
Replace that IC.  It is a common failure in other monitors.  Also the cause is probably bad caps (4) connected to that IC. Then replace the b+ resistor (low value) connected to pin 14 which also has one of the caps on it.

QUESTION NO. P60203-3:  KDS VIEW K770 monitor, the horizontal output transistor (BU 2520-DF), C499 (220P 2kv) & R457 were burned.  I need the value of R457.
This KDS model is a Jean chassis. R457 is 680 ohms, 1/2 Watt, and you probably meant disk capacitor C449, not C499. Also check Q426 and Q429 for potential damage.

QUESTION NO. P50503-1:  I need the vertical ic number for a Samsung Syncmaster 950p monitor. 
If this Samsung Syncmaster 950p is a PG19LS, then IC301 is TDA8172.  
Samsung shows multiple chassis for this model. AQ19  IC301 as a KA2142, PG19  IC301 as a KA2142.

QUESTION NO. P52903-4:  AOC 7Glr monitor.  I need the value of R913 and R914. 
R913  4.7K 5% 1/4W, R914 47 ohm 5% 1/4W.

QUESTION NO. P52903-1:  HP D2818A monitor.  I need the number of Video IC IC 102 Missing (12Pin IC). 
IC102 is LM2427.

QUESTION NO. P52703-3:  HP d2825 monitor cannot adjust horizontal size and has pincushion problem.  Replaced TDA4858, checked many components.  Other functions o.k. 
Check Q302, Q303, R302, C316, L303, and D308. The semiconductors might be  leaky, but not totally shorted.

QUESTION NO. P51903-5:  LG studio works 775N monitor, is too dim.  I checked  power supply voltages they seem ok.  There is no burnt resistor or blown capacitor. 
More than likely your CRT has low emission.  Had a lot of these fail at the end of the 3 year warranty.  LG ran out of replacement CRT's in Canada.

QUESTION NO. P52203-2:  Goldstar (LG) 1465DLs monitor FCC BEJCH480; Chassis: CA-32.  R726 burned (need value for replacement), also C723 (need value and specifications) seems burned too, both related to the FB. If both would be replaced, will they burn again? 
R726 is 10K ohms, and C723 is 1 uF/63V. These were probably burned by a defective flyback, so the flyback would also need replacing, or they are liable to burn again.

QUESTION NO. P42803-2:  Acana Peripherals 17s monitor.  I need the value of burned R495 and the cause.
If this Acana 17S is FCC# IIB-UA1, the schematic for that chassis shows R495 as 10K ohms. Since this R495 connects to the flyback transformer, a defective flyback might have burned R495.

QUESTION NO. P51603-1:  HP d2827a monitor, the hot has blown and I replaced it with a Bu2520df.  The ht is ok. When switched on the relay goes on and off with a tweaking sound. All voltages are correct with the hot disconnected. Is the bu2520df tre right transistor? 
If this HP is a Daewoo 518X chassis, Daewoo's schematic shows BU2520DX, which is the same as BU2520AF electrically, except a different case style, so a BU2520AF should work in that chassis.

QUESTION NO. P51603-9:  Apple iMac 233 Mhz monitor.  When powered on, it goes through a procedure of bringing up the computer section of the iMac and then the monitor. When it gets as far as firing up the monitor board, there is a repeated snapping sound for between 1 and 5 seconds (I can see a small blue flash somewhere near the Motorola control chip), and then powers off and does not come back up unless left for an hour or so.  I can't see any burnt components on the board, but the top of the Motorola IC (LGM871-010/AYJ) appears to have heat damage (it's not a continuous black color on top like most ICs).  I have found only one supplier for the IC and it's $49 + shipping to the UK, so I don't want to replace it unless I know it is broken.
The most common fault is shutdown due to an arcing flyback transformer, a common fault in the 233 MHz iMac. LG is one source for flyback 6174Z-1003G, or in some regions, an H.R. Diemen equivalent may be easier to obtain. 

QUESTION NO. P51503-7:  Sony cpdg500 monitor, brightness too high with all controls set at lowest possible.  Image is stable and in focus, all syncs and geometry ok.  Suspect defective ic in brightness circuit, possible voltage too high. No adjustments internally, all micro-controlled. 
Assuming that this is a circuitry fault, rather than a DAS software issue, the problem might be, that the CRT cathode voltages are too low, or the G2 voltage is too high. On the CRT board ('A' board), check if the cathode voltages (CRT pins 7,8,9) are in the 80 to 100 Volt range. If these voltages are too low, it may indicate a bad IC403 (FA4301). The G2 voltage (CRT pin 10) should be roughly 522 Volts at the CRT. If G2 is much higher, check the G2 circuit, involving transistor pair Q406 & Q410, run by IC405 (pin 7), under control from IC404 (pin 14).  Otherwise, try a DAS alignment.

QUESTION NO. P41703-1:  Proline C409A monitor FCC IQX97C1455 is dead.  R122, R121, R130, Q101 and Q704 are all burned beyond recognition. I need the values. All other components are tested and seems OK. 
R121 is 220 ohms, R122 is 120 ohms, R130 is 10 Kohms, Q101 is 2SK2545, and Q704 is 2SC5339.  R121 and R122 form a voltage divider across R120, which is 0.47 ohms, and is the source return resistor for the MOSFET switch, Q101.  The junction of R121 and R122 goes to R110, 1000 ohms, which then feeds the current sense input of U101, which is a KA3882 PWM controller.  It seems unlikely that R121 and R122 could be burned unless R120 is open, and even then I would expect to see R110 burned unless there's a short on the board.

QUESTION NO. P51203-7:  Gateway EV700A monitor FCC BEJCB775B Voltage cycles. 5 Volts okay but all others cycle.  I replaced FBT and IC923, IC925. 
Also check IC304, the 8 Volt regulator IC on the CRT board, and its solder connections.

QUESTION NO. P50903-5:  Apple IMAC 266 Model M4984 monitor.  Is there an alternative flyback to 6174Z1017D (LG)?  Local LG list only 1017A or E. The A is not a cross but the E may be. Perhaps the E is an upgrade? 
In iMac M4984, flyback# 6174Z1017D can be replaced by LG FBT# 6174Z-1003G.

QUESTION NO. P50803-5:  Proview pk-986 monitor FCC ije986.  I need the value for RT502.
RT502 is an inrush-current limiter whose ohms rating is about 8 ohms at room temperature. A possible substitute might be a Thermometrics type CL110.

QUESTION NO. P50203-9:  Gateway2000 crystal Scan14 Mon014006A0WW monitor has very poor image, display is too dark.  Adjusting the screen causes the focus enhanced but still blurry.  I checked Q413= BU 2508DF it's ok.
Check the CRT for poor emissions (dying CRT).

QUESTION NO. P50503-8:  Optiquest Q71 monitor powers off immediately.  I need the specs on burned voltage regulator Q429.  The board is version VCDTS21348-2M. 
Q429 is 2SC5248, rated 160 Volts, 1.5 Amp, 20 Watts, 150 MHz, DC gain 60-200, Cob 20pF, TO220F case. A 2SC3298 also might substitute for 2SC5248.

QUESTION NO. P50203-2:  Proview pk-986 monitor FCC ije986.  I need the value for R502 and Q502. 
In the schematic for IJE986, Q502 is a 600 Volt, N-channel Mosfet, such as 2SK2141, 2SK2645, STP7NB60, or IRFBC40; (insulator added as required). R502 (47K) is shown in this schematic as being left open (not installed).

QUESTION NO. P42903-5:  Samton 45bn monitor.  In front panel buttons h size, pallelogram button and pinamp buttons are not working.  I replaced DM024 ic, still no change. 
Check if ultrafast diode D414 is leaky in reverse, or shorted. If D414 is not failing, then check Q412 and its associated components.

QUESTION NO. P42503-2:  LG Studioworks 795SC monitor Chassis CA-55, the power supply is bad! The TOPxxx and mosfet are burned.  Is there an replacement for this TOPxxx? 
IC903 is TOP223Y; an LG/Goldstar supplier may be able to provide this IC, as LG part# 0IPF223000A.  L.J. Enterprises (www.ljecc.com) is also listing TOP223Y, on-line.

QUESTION NO. P33103-1:  I need to open the service menues of the Philips Brillianc 109p and a Nokia 446 pro monitors.   
40 sites containing tv, vcr & computer monitor EEPROM service mode access: http://the-hideout.net/techtalk/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=47

QUESTION NO. P40103-9:  Compaq v410 model 304U monitor FCC BJMC4A Original problem: LED on the front would just flash amber never turned green. Replaced shorted HOT (C4916) with one that had the same specs with a slightly lower current rating. Now it powers up and displays a picture but I cannot get the horizontal adjustment far enough to the right and it starts to squish the picture the farther to the right I go. Also the new transistor runs extremely hot. 
Original HOT 2SC4916 I replaced with 2SD1876 which according to the NTE cross are near identical except for the collector current. (10 amps versus 4 amps). I was expecting it to work but degrading the life of the transistor. I have now replaced it with the correct transistor and everything works fine. The NTE cross specs must be inferior or the max. collector current is more important then I imagined.

QUESTION NO. P32403-3:  Viewsonic G790 monitor has no red, green and blue normal. 
Trace the color signals to the CRT base PCB and swap two of the colors round (Hopefully the colors will be marked on the PCB).  If you now have RED, the tube is OK but the feed is faulty and vice-versa.

QUESTION NO. P42303-2:  I need the Sony manual part number for a Dell P992 monitor. 
The number on the P992 service manual is 9-978-704-01.

QUESTION NO. P42203-2:  LG 910sc monitor.  I need the value of burned FET Q901. 
The LG parts list shows Q901 as 2SK2843, which is a Toshiba 600 Volt, 10 Amp, 45 Watt Mosfet. 2SK2843 is listed as LG part no. 0TF284300AA. 

QUESTION NO. P41703-4:  Dell P1110 monitor (Sony chassis SCC-L22D-A), the CRT heater voltage is muted.  Applied external CRT filament supply, the picture appeared, but the screen is too high. 
Most times in the case of the missing heater voltage, there is usually a dried out electrolytic capacitor or bad inductor coil in the circuit. Check for one or the other. If the capacitor you find is suspected to be bad, you can parallel a known good one across it. If it is bad this should restore heater voltage somewhere around 7 volts DC.

QUESTION NO. P42203-6:  Optiquest Q71 monitor FCC GSSJ 17001 came from another shop. I replaced the shorted HOT.  It is working fine now but too wide.  Width control does not work.  Pincushion ok. 
Check or replace D422, Q429, and Q411.

QUESTION NO. P42203-1:  Philips 15A12F monitor Chassis CM1200.  Need value of burnt R3426. 
R3426 is 4.7 ohms, 1/2 Watt.

QUESTION NO. P41703-7:  IBM 6558-03n monitor (Sony scc-l04h-a) shuts down deflection code.  Need part # or ic # for ic 702(vertical) which is missing. 
The Sony schematic shows IC702 is LA7841L also check R720 1R 1/2W flame proof resistor and R727 1R 1/2W Flame proof resistor.

QUESTION NO. P31903-2:  Mag XJ717 Monitor.  The HOT shorted, but someone seems to have put in the the wrong type. I need the correct number of Q112. 
Q112 is a BU2532AL.

QUESTION NO. P41503-10:  IIyama Visionmaster 400 monitor powers up without a signal connected and shortly goes into power save as expected but the power supply trips out when the PC / test card generator is connected. A chirp is heard just before the power supply shuts down. If the monitor is powered with a signal connected, it shuts down instantly and won't power up again unless left for a few minutes.  I changed the FBT and the B+ smoothing caps to no avail. 
To answer my own question, I eventually found it necessary to change all the low value electrolytic capacitors (about 8 in total values between 1 and 100uf) in the primary side of the power supply. These capacitors checked okay but proved to be faulty by replacement.

QUESTION NO. P41503-4:  I need a Sony part no. ( 8-xxx-xxx-xx )  for a Sony IC (CXD9164M) from a Dell P992 monitor. 
The Sony manual lists IC003 (CXD9164MTR) as Sony p/n# 6-700-723-01. (Not "8").

QUESTION NO. P41503-9:  LG Studioworks 440Si monitor.  I need the value of fried R843 near flyback. 
R843 is 12K ohms; check if a defective flyback had burned R843.

QUESTION NO. P41503-3:  Samsung Syncmaster 15GLi CMB5477L monitor was dead.  I replaced faulty Q503, 2SC5148 with a 2SC4747 and the faulty Q505, IRF740. I need the value of burnt R507 (in series with the Collector of Q503). 
R507 is 1.8ohm 2W. Also check C504 22uf 250V and C514 47uf 16V.

QUESTION NO. P41403-1:  Markvision VC1450D  model DA-456 AA monitor Chassis 2970005101.  I need the value of burned C441. 
If its FCC is H79DA-456, a different brand, with this FCC, has a C441 of 220 pF, 2KV.

QUESTION NO. P41103-3:  Acana Advance 17S monitor FCC IIBUAI, I need value of R425. 
R425 is 10 ohms, 2 Watts, in the schematic for FCC# IIBUA1.

QUESTION NO. P41003-2:  Sony 200GS monitor has bad distortion at top of the screen. On cross hatch pattern, instead of vertical lines, it has vertical zigzag lines on top with an approximate length of 1.5cm in each line. 
Try replacing C573. If C573 is no help, try other 250V capacitors, C572, C575, C524.

QUESTION NO. P41003-1:  DigiView AT398 monitor has a horizontal line across screen.  ICB02 is burned. Can only make out A8172. Believe this is the vertical amp. I do not see any other part that look overheated. 
This is a TDA8172 also check the diode between pins 2 & 6 and the capacitor between pins 3 & 6 and any resistors in the supply rail 2 and maybe 4 if it is supplied with + & - rails 
The full number is TDA8172.

QUESTION NO. P40803-7:  Viewsonic P810-1M / 21HV8SA monitor FCC GSS21001 - Need part numbers/subs and source for D602, D902, D905, R919, and Q902.  This is a repair for the common problem of leaking C852 causing shorted D602 and subsequent damage.  I am also replacing C852, C601, R602 as well.  Any other components affected outside of these? 
When you replace C852, also repair any damaged PCB traces under C852. D602 = MA167 (similar to 1N4148 or NTE519); D902 = MA4270NH (27V, 0.4W zener); D905 = MA4051NM (5.1V, 0.4W zener); R919 = 390 ohm SMD; Q902 = UN5211AI, an SMD digital transistor (SC-70 case style) with an internal 10K/10K resistor divider. If D905 has gone, I would be concerned about AC voltage continuing past, and possibly also damaging R917 (1.8K), R918 (100 ohm); IC850; and the processor IC901.

QUESTION NO. P40703-8:  Sony CPD200GS monitor has a normal picture on the bottom half of the screen, but is blank on the top half.  I have not located the vertical output IC. Does the vertical IC drive the yoke directly, or is there a transistor stage involved?  This looks like some kind of  push-pull output failure.
IC401 drives the vertical yoke directly. This IC uses dual +/- 15 Volt supplies, so see if either supply is missing, or if either has a bad filter cap; C401, off pin 1; C404, off pin 6. If the supplies are both good, check IC401 itself, and associated components.

QUESTION NO. P40403-6:  Compaq Pe1120 monitor, the horizontal op and driver j449 was shot.  I need info on D310 (PH33D) which is broken in fragments. 
This device is a Philips BYD33D rectifier, rated 200 Volts, 0.7/1.3 Amp (12A peak); Vf < 1.3V @ 1A.If; Trr < 250 nanoseconds; soft recovery.  Some possible substitutes include FR103, HER103, NTE552, and NTE574.

QUESTION NO. P31903-10:  Acer 7299c JVP7299c monitor, found shorted Horiz. output BU2532AN, replaced with 2SC3997 scoped output, pulse looked ok for 3 sec. blew output. Is this a suitable replacement? Drive circuit? 
No!  Fall time of 3997 is 0.2us and the 2532 is 0.06us. You may wish to check L304 & Q321 possibly burned & shorted. Check all coils and FBT these Acers are boomerangs.  They usually come back if you do not check everything.

QUESTION NO. P32103-8:  Hyundai DeluxScan 17B+ Model HL-7870A monitor is experiencing brightness problems, constant 'dimming' then 'brightening' of display. I replaced defective R502 and R503 but that did not work. 
Resolder G2 on Tube board and all the other tube connectors.

QUESTION NO. P32703-3:  Viewsonic 21PS monitor chassis HV4S/H  FCC GSS933006 is dead, LED comes on for 1 second then goes out. I replaced C839 and repaired arced trace under it and checked C867 it was OK. Repaired a few bad solder joints, one was cracked at Q583. It powers on now except HV.  Degauss works, tube heater works and menu controls will turn led green as will a PC when it is connected.  There is power to R588 and R589 but no power to R545. 
The degauss cable around CRT hits a capacitor on the front of the board and brakes the solder joint.

QUESTION NO. P33103-3:  Sony GDMF500 monitor with drifting focus and intermittent retrace, all main supply voltages checked ok, suspect focus divider.
Before replacing the CP701 focus module, rule out if the CRT has an internal leak-path, which may occur in this model. Detach the CRT board from the CRT, and check with a high-voltage probe, to see if any voltage is leaking into the CRT's focus pins, etc, while under power. If any voltage is seen on the CRT pins while the CRT board is removed, there is an internal leak-path in the CRT.

QUESTION NO. P32403-1:  Viewsonic g810 monitor Chassis 21VS001(Panasonic), has no horiz sweep, hv is okay.  Thin vertical line from top to bottom.
Check Q550, Q549, Q881, R890; there may also be a 0.8 Amp microfuse, marked "N11008", which resembles a small transistor, installed in the B+ path.

QUESTION NO. P32803-1:  Hyundai DeluxScan 5854 monitor.  I need a sub for Q303 (YTA 630) transistor. 
A substitute for YTA630 is IRF630.

QUESTION NO. P32703-6:  Packard Bell A720 monitor, FCC CKLA720.  Is there an alternate horizontal output transistor for 2SC5404? 
Possible substitutes for 2SC5404 might be 2SC5387 or 2SC5299.

QUESTION NO. P31303-3:  Dell D1025HT monitor has dim picture and no red color. 
This was a comman fault of VPS12 IC.

QUESTION NO. P32603-2:  AcerView 7176ie monitor, the raster (without video input connected) flashed between black (normal) and high brightness.  With video input connected, there was video on the screen, but the brightness alternated between normal and high brightness.  Clicking sound could be heard as it flashed.  G1 on the video board varied from about +33V to -180V when it should be about -45V.  I replaced IC201 (TDA8351) and IC102 on the video board, but did not solve the problem. 
Check/replace the three 450V electrolytics, C3950, C3951, C3952, their associated resistors (R3950, R3951, R3952), and the ceramic cap, C320 = 100pF/2KV.  It may be wise to also check the ESR on electrolytics C301, C304, C307, and C330.

QUESTION NO. P32403-7:  Dell  p991 monitor has no video.  Replaced Q901 (Irfi9634g) and Q902 (fs5km-18a, replaced with nte2958) both shorted.  I checked R934, C507, C644 and C914. 
Since Q901 and Q902 are for driving flyback transformer T901, I would check if the FBT is bad. Also check gate-protection zeners D906 (10V) and D909 (15V), as well as B+ cap C913, and ultrafast D907. If the G2 voltage is low/missing, check R916, D910, and C919. An FS5KM-18A is rated at 900 Volts, a higher rating than NTE 2958 (700 Volts); is that NTE substitute FET still OK?

QUESTION NO. P31403-8:  Dell 1600h model D1626HS (Sony Chassis).  I need the value of missing Q640 in power supply.  R640 is open and looks like C641 has been replaced as there is carbon marks around it. 
Assuming this model is actually the Dell/Sony 1600HS/D1626HT, Q640 is the dual transistor, MX0841AB-F; you can get this from Sony, as their part# 8-729-041-12.  R640 = 0.1 ohm, 1/2 Watt, fusible; C641 = 470 pF/500V, ceramic.

QUESTION NO. P32003-8:  KDS VS195 EVOKD1900 monitor.  I need the part number or suitable cross for Q407 (mosfet). 
Q407 is IRFS730. Mouser Electronics (www.mouser.com) lists IRFS730B, or else you can use IRF730 with an insulator. Also check or replace D409, D410, D411, D412; Q425; R497, R498; IC401; and the flyback transformer.

QUESTION NO. P31703-1:  TVM AS6S monitor.  I need the values of Q424, R495 and Q001.
In my schematic, Q001 = IRF630, Q424 = 2SC3117, and R495 = 10K ohms.

QUESTION NO. P31003-3:  Compaq Presario MV520 monitor.  I need the value of burned R903 located between the + of the mains cap and Collector of Q902. 
R903 is 33K Ohms.

QUESTION NO. P22603-4:  CTX VL950T FBT (Sampo FM1037D) monitor.  I need a sub or specs on the FBT within the UK.
Sampo FBT = FM1037D = 47F13-07205, FBT is part# 47F13-0720s £26.44 inc VTA/P&P at Isotronic.
173 Martindale Rd, Hounslow, Middlesex, TW4 7EZ, 0208 577 6577 Tel, 0208 577 6657 Fax, 07939 273252 Mobile.

QUESTION NO. P31103-1:  Sony GDM200ps FCC AK8GDM200PS monitor is black screen when turned on, the power LED turns solid green for a few seconds and then goes off and immediately after that LED turns amber and blinks.  This happens irrespective of whether the vga cable is connected or not. It is on for 1.5 and off for 0.5 sec.
That LED flash-time sequence implies a horizontal/vertical deflection failure, or thermal protection. The most common cause of deflection problems in this (N3) chassis, is a defective IC007 (CXA2043Q) chip, Sony part number 8-752-078-46.

QUESTION NO. P30603-8:  Gateway  EV700 Monitor  (LG - CA65 chassis) has very low brightness. It does control via the OSD menu.  All voltages are correct, including the CRT filament voltage and filaments are properly lit.  What should the G1 voltage be for proper brightness?  The G1 voltage in this unit is controlled from the OSD processor.  I have a voltage of neg 15v at maximum brightness and it goes further negative as I lower the brightness.   If I force the circuit more toward 0v or positive voltage, the unit seems to get a near normal brightness level. This unit has no G2 level control on the fbt, so there seems to be no other point at which the brightness level can be set.  I have checked this unit thoroughly for all possible bad caps and solder connections.
This model the G2 is controlled by the Micon and is set by software and an interface.

QUESTION NO. P21703-6:  KTX GAG664SG monitor keeps blowing the line transistor after 2 hours.  I changed 2SC3886 and FBT.
The drive is rough for some reason, a capacitor open the oscillator sparky etc. Check for a dry joint on a 470uF filter on the 12V line feeding the  oscillator.

QUESTION NO. P30503-5:  Acer 77c monitor has severe hourglass.  The components around IC202, TDA8351, the vertical IC, did not look burned or unusual.  I replaced IC202 anyway, but the problem was still there.  I measured many transistors in the horizontal area in circuit and they seemed to be good. 
Check C323 = 33 uF/250V.

QUESTION NO. P30503-6:  CTX 1760LR monitor. I need value for C333 (someone else removed from mb.) 
C333 as 10 uF, 250 Volts.

QUESTION NO. P30503-7:  Dell Ultrascan P780, chassis SCC-L29K-A: monitor clicks on power up and then green light will turn amber and flash. HOT and all other components tested OK. 
HV/+B  failure   Blink Amber on 0.5 sec off 0.5 sec.
H stop or V stop (included S-cap          Blink Amber on 0.5 sec off 0.5 sec.
ABL Failure      Blink Amber on 0.5 sec off 1.5 sec.
Aging/self-test  Blink Amber on 0.5 sec off 0.5 sec Blink Green on 0.5 sec off 0.5 sec. 
I think the H stop or V stop is Amber on 1.5 sec: off 0.5 sec.